An 80 kilometres long canal, flanked by nature experiences on land and water.
The canal stretches from lake Roxen, just north of Linköping, to Horn and Hycklinge by lake Åsunden.
The canal was built in 1871, in order to connect the forest areas in the southern parts of Östergötland with the rural areas in the north. This way, better business and communication opportunities were created – and, as a bonus, a new beautiful way of experiencing Östergötland was created.

Hovetorp lock along Kinda canal.

Enjoy the view at the nature preserve Idhult.

Trollegater, a large natural cave.
Kinda canal is the perfect destination for anyone looking for a highly enjoyable, and perhaps adventurous, weekend – since it’s easy to get here by car, bus, train or plane. The area offers great hiking, paddling, biking – or opportunities to simply take it easy and enjoy the moment. And why not throw in a cruise with m/s Kind, while you’re here, or visit the Trollegater caves.
Good starting points for your visit here is Linköping, Rimforsa, Horn, Kisa and Björkfors – and hotels and hostels are of course available along the route.
Destination website External link.
Telephone: +46(0)13-190 00 70
E-mail: External link.
Telephone: +46(0) 494-194 10
E-mail: External link.
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